Monday, August 7, 2023

Election Day Preparations

JACKSON, Miss. – In due diligence, the Secretary of State's Office reminds all Mississippi voters to take a proactive approach in preparing for the Tuesday, August 8, Primary Election.

Mississippians are encouraged to make Election Day plans in advance of the Primary Election. Through the My Election Day portal, voters may access an abundance of resources specific to an individual's address, including a more accurate polling place locator, sample ballots, a new ballot tracking device for those voting by absentee or affidavit ballot, and contact information for county election officials.

As a reminder, securing election infrastructure is a partnership between federal, state, and local governments, as well as private sector entities. Because of our experience with cybersecurity threats, most notably the DDoS Attack that disrupted our state's network last November, our office remains in constant communication and collaboration with the Mississippi Department of Information Technology Services and the Department of Homeland Security regarding the security of Mississippi's election systems and infrastructure. 

The Secretary of State's Office continues to reassure the public by being open and transparent. With the recent spikes in malicious cyber activity throughout the nation and even within our own state, we remain dedicated to ensuring the security of our infrastructure and protecting our systems against new and evolving cyber threats.

For elections questions, call the Elections Division at (800) 829-6786, email, or visit

Elizabeth Holbert Jonson | 601-927-8688


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