1. Eight (8) public hearings will be hosted by the Secretary of State’s Office, as required by state law, to provide citizens the opportunity to express their opinion regarding Initiative Measure #42 and Alternative Measure #42A to be decided in the November 3, 2015 General Election.

2. Public Hearings will begin at 5:30 p.m.

3. Individuals who wish to speak publically either for or against an initiative measure may register beginning at 5 p.m. at the sign-in desk. Speakers will be recognized in the order of registration. 

4. Public comments will be strictly limited to five (5) minutes each. A timekeeper will give speakers a two-minute and a 30-second time check.

5. Public comments will alternate between “pro” and “con” speakers for each measure. 

6. Individuals may also submit written comments t​o be posted on the Secretary of State’s website: www.sos.ms.gov. Comments will be reviewed by Secretary of State staff members prior to posting. The Secretary of State’s Office reserves the right not to publish any inflammatory or inappropriate language to the website.

7. Comment cards may be submitted at the Public Hearing or written comments may be mailed to:

Initiatives – Secretary of State’s Office

P.O. Box 136 

Jackson, MS 39205

8. Public comments may also be emailed to: initiatives@sos.ms.gov.  All comments must provide the author’s full name, phone number and hometown. An email address is requested.

9. Prior to posting, staff will contact the author by phone or email to verify the comments are authentic and permission is granted to post on the public website.

10. No unverified comments will be posted.

11. The author’s name and hometown will accompany each website posting. No street address, phone number or email will be posted to the website.

12. A professional transcription will be made of each Public Hearing and will be posted on the Secretary of State’s website for public review.